Monday, July 30, 2012

Top 5 Natural Hair Mistakes

It seems that all the rage is going natural these days. Don't get me wrong, I love that more women are embracing their natural hair, but from a few of the questions I get, things I see and hear other naturals talking about sometimes, I feel there are little things that can throw us off coarse in our quest for healthy, natural hair.

#5 Thinking It's Going To Be Easy

When some people transition, they think it's going to be easy. Natural hair in my opinion, does what it wants. The 2 textures (natural and relaxed) are going to be competing with each other. They feel as though curls are easy to work with because they basically style themselves and this is far from the truth. Curls need attention, which makes your job harder. You have to put in the work to maintain the health of your hair.

#4 Using Too Many Products

I can say this because I've been there. i was trying to figure out what my hair wanted, but would still jump on band wagons. Make sure to stick to products that your hair enjoys and not confuse yourself with too many products. This helps your hair and your wallet.

#3 Over manipulation 

Your hair likes to be left alone. If you constantly bother your hair (twirling the hair in your fingers, using heat daily, combing every day, etc.) you may be more prone to breakage and frizz. I find it helpful to do a hairstyle that keeps my hair off my face and neck with the ends tucked away which helps me keep my fingers away. I also style my hair at least once a week which also helps me not to over manipulate the hair or stress it out.

#2 Not Moisturizing Enough

Some may feel like if they moisturize ONLY on wash day, then they are good until the next wash day which is totally the opposite. Natural hair craves moisture. It does not have to be a grease fest every day. Take a spray bottle with water and maybe some olive oil mixed in and use that a little for daily moisture or use Shea butter (or your favorite butter) to moisturize and seal with your favorite oil at night. It also helps with frizz and makes your hair not look dull.

#1 Setting High Expectations After The Big Chop

Some persons feel as though if they see someone with a texture, their texture may be the exact same way. Or they may see one texture appear during the transition in a section of their head and feel as though their entire head is going to be that texture. These expectations can cause us to miss out on appreciating our own unique hair qualities and miss out on what our hair really is- A special part of us and our heritage. 

Remember that going natural is NOT a race. Focus on your own hair health at your own pace and your hair will thank you for it. 

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